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What detergent should you be using to pressure wash your transportation fleet?

Every business owner that has trucks knows that pressure washing your transportation fleet is essential for your business to look professional and to protect its assets from depreciation. Not everyone knows, however, that not all soaps or detergents are up to the job. We at Hotsy Water Blast can provide over fifty different kinds of detergent, each specifically designed to excel in a different situation. Because they’re designed for industrial use and very concentrated, our detergents can do the job quicker, saving you time and money in both labour and materials.

Pressure Washer in Vancouver

What are the advantages of different detergents?

Regular soaps are great at washing your hands or your face but they’re not always up to the task of cleaning a transportation fleet. Soaps are technically alkali salts of fatty acids. They can mix with a lot of common kinds of oil and dirt, removing them from surfaces and washing them away.

Your transportation fleet, however, probably has a lot of uncommon oil and dirt on it. As opposed to the fats that are needed for traditional soaps, detergents are typically synthetic. They can be designed to target specific kinds of grime that soaps can’t handle. When you choose Hotsy Water Blast, you’ll not only get a high quality pressure washer, you’ll also have access to detergents that work better for the kinds of grime that are on your transportation fleet.

What kinds of detergent will my fleet need?

We make several different detergents designed specifically for transportation fleets. You should consult with one of our experts to find out what specific combination of soaps and detergents is right for you. That being said, there are a few problems that are common for transportation fleets that our detergents are designed to combat.

  • Your fleet isn’t just a tool; it’s a moving advertisement for your business. Many of our detergents protect the metal of your fleet to make it look bright and professional.
  • The temperature outside can affect how easy it is to clean a fleet. The combination of a Hotsy pressure cleaner and detergent can speed up the process.
  • Our detergents are biodegradable so you can be sure you’re meeting any environmental regulations.
  • We include HCC additives in our transportation detergents to prevent scale build-up and fight corrosion.

At Hotsy Water Blast, we know that your time is your money. That’s why we can specially design cleaning equipment for the needs of your fleet. When purchasing detergent, we offer it in various convenient sizes, from five gallon buckets to fifty-five gallon drums and beyond. Contact one of our pressure washer experts in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or North Dakota today to find out more about which detergent is right for your fleet.